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One of our most popular events is undoubtedly Apple Day, which takes place every October at the Bridge House Hotel’s riverside gardens.

Apple Day was originally started in 1990 by Common Ground as a way to celebrate the humble apple. As part of this celebration, they also wanted to bring awareness to the ongoing loss of traditional orchards, as well as highlighting the richness and diversity in the landscape, ecology, and culture of local communities.

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In 2012, Alton Community Events decided to hold Alton’s first ever Apple Day and have continued this much loved annual tradition ever since.

At Alton Apple Day there is always a plethora of apple related activities and fun to enjoy, from apple crushing to apple wanging and all to the sound of great live music.

If you want to know what to expect, get inspired to enter the Bake Off or find our that exactly is apple wanging is click on the links below. 

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