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More in-depth information on who we are, what we do and how we were formed.


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About Us

In 2012, Alton Parish Council supported an event to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth 2nd. The event was a huge success and attended by many people from throughout Alton. It was decided that it would be a great idea to form a group that could organise events for the entire community, whether or not they were affiliated with a church or school.

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Soon after the Jubilee, a group of friends got together and started the Alton Community Events Group. We decided to become a non-registered charity and that our constitution would be based on improving community cohesion and organizing successful fundraising events. It was also agreed that any additional funds raised would be used to put on further events that would benefit of the community.

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Initally ACE adopted the already successful Carols at the Roundhouse and then began planning further one-off and annual events. These have included street parties, litter picks, local walks, events celebrating the end of Word War 2, open gardens and the ever-popular Apple Day.

ACE have also organized two very popular music, beer and classic car festivals which, thanks to fantastic weather, were a tremendous success and brought in much revenue to the local businesses.

The initial founders of ACE have been joined over the years by many volunteers, some for specific events and some more regularly. 

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We now have a dedicated core of around ten people who work well together, have a broad spectrum of experience to share, and who are always willing to help with advice for your own event. To see how ACE can help you or your local group visit our Community Support page.


We try to adopt sustainable methods as much as possible, hoping to lead by example by:

Minimising waste

Where feasible, we reuse and recycle and try to inspire others to do so too. One way in which we have done so is to encourage the local children to make handmade decorations for the village Christmas tree using only recycled items and materials.

Keeping it local

When choosing suppliers, we like to keep it as local as we can. We endeavour to support small businesses, especially those with eco-friendly practises and using natural materials.  

Single use items

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 If any items we purchase only has a single use i.e. disposable plates and cutlery we make sure they are made of wood, paper or vegetable fibre so that they can either be recycled or composted.

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Homemade is best

We encourage and promote events featuring homemade or home-grown products and produce. Whether that’s supporting local crafts people at Apple Day or showcasing the village’s beautiful green spaces at Open garden’s, we love to help share it all.

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