Sunday 17th May 2023

Last Sunday, Alton residents of all ages and generations basked in the sunshine and dined under blue skies when they celebrated the coronation of King Charles III by throwing a street party for the entire village. The bunting clad high street was closed to traffic for the event, allowing it to be lined with tables and chairs that stretched between the two public houses.
Party goers not only commemorated the momentous occasion with lavish homemade picnics and bubbly but also a delicious hog roast served up by the Bulls Head. At the other end of the street, The White Hart provided the musical entertainment with local singer Poppy and friends, plus Tom Loughlin, who got the crowd up and dancing with a range of classic hits.
Many took inspiration from the Royals by donning their finest attire, which included a plethora of flags, crowns plus red, white, and blue themes throughout. Even attendees of the four-legged variety got in on the act, wearing their Sunday best flag bandanas to the party.

ACE would like to thank everyone that supported, contributed, and helped make these events possible.